2 hours ago
Sunday, June 20, 2010
I am back at home. It's nice to visit with my family, see Tim's family, eat great food, drink nice wine, and relax. The move to Philadelphia was relatively uneventful, which was nice. Tim flew down to Maryland, packed the truck, and drove it up to Pennsylvania. I found an apartment with all of the utilities included and I am excited about it. It has a lot of space and an elevator. And free parking, which is apparently hard to find in that particular area (Bryn Mawr/Haverford). One place wanted to charge $100 per month for a parking lot that was off-limits from 9am-5pm. No thanks.
From there, Tim and I drove up to Massachusetts. It was nice to drive together after so many drives alone. We could commiserate about the long trek through Jersey and Connecticut. Ugh.
I am back on the Cape, one of my favorite places in the world. I love being close to the ocean and returning to places that never change. Love it, love it. My classes begin tomorrow and I'm a little nervous but grateful. Also, I will take the long route home and admire all of the old houses in Barnstable. I miss my Maryland friends and hope that they are well!
photo by http://libertycrusader.files.wordpress.com/2008/12/image0221.jpg